Articles dans des revues en

Articles dans des revues en

02/2015: article “De l’autotraduction à la traduction de soi : éléments de réflexion bretonne” in the online review Glottopol, number 25 of which is dedicated to auto-translation.
The article offers a general view of auto-translation between Breton and French and relates the phenomenon with the sociolinguistic history of the country.
See the corresponding card
08/2014: article “The Creativity of the Catalan Language Analyzed through the Blending Process” in the Catalan Review, translated from Catalan into English.
In this article, newly-coined Catalan blended words are analysed as a vitality indicator of this language.
See the corresponding card
12/2013: book review of La traducción entre lenguas en contacto: catalán y español by Cristina García de Toro, in the Traduire magazine, No. 229.
See the corresponding card
07/2013: article “Role and Value of Professional Translation in the EU: A Few Leads on Different Scales” in the collective book Translation and the Accommodation of Diversity: Indian and non-Indian Perspectives, edited by Jean Peeters and Jandhyala Prabhakara Rao.
The article explores a few leads about the role and value of translation, based especially on a comparison between the practices observed in the European institutions and in Brittany.
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05/2013: article “De la valeur de la traduction comme stratégie (glotto)politique”, published in No. 10 of the Bulletin du CRATIL.
Some elements are suggested here to explain the contribution of translation services to (glotto)politics, from a comparison of the European Union institutions, the Spanish state, some of its Autonomous Communities and Brittany.
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02/2011: article “Le traducteur: équilibriste des frontières”, published in Traduction et communautés edited by Professor Jean Peeters.
It takes up the results of a small survey among translators of Breton presented in 2006.
See the corresponding card
12/2010: article “Les langues régionales: facteur de division ou manière d’être ensemble ?”, in the Traduire magazine.
This article transcribes the paper presented at the World Translation Day, organised by the French Translators’ Society (SFT) in Paris, on 11th December 2009, the theme of which was “Working Together”.
See the corresponding card
11/2010: report of the round table entitled Comment l’Europe ‘parle’ aux citoyens: le défi linguistique, published on the website of the association Défense de la langue française Bruxelles-Europe.
See the corresponding card
03/2010: article “Le breton à la conquête de la modernité”, published in a special issue of the inTRAlinea magazine.
It is an exposé on translation into Breton for or with new technologies (audiovisual media and CAT).
See the corresponding card
09/2009: article in the National Conference of Traditional Musics and Dances proceedings, published by the FAMDT.
The notion of identity was discussed there. Isn’t it because we don’t quite understand how human beings build society?
See the corresponding card
07/2009: article “Braille et la musique”, in Traduire.
On the occasion of the bicentenary of Louis Braille’s birth, this article studies the musical transcription in Braille from the point of view of translation.
See the corresponding card
11/2005: article entitled “Traduction et affichage public: quel(s) service(s) pour les langues régionales de Bretagne ?”, co-written with Roseline Le Squère and published in the sadly no longer published magazine Marges Linguistiques, No. 10 of which was dedicated to regional languages.